唐山立德照明设备制造有限公司是一家集研发、生产、销售各种优质光源灯具及相关照明电器产品的综合性企业。公司始终坚持“以质量保生存”的经营思想,以开发“绿色节能”为企业发展方向,产品主要涉及大功率LED光源、LED路灯、LED工矿灯、LED投光灯、LED模块开发及应用。这些灯具广泛用于各类建筑,商场,宾馆,饭店,体育场馆,工厂,矿山,隧道,港口码头,冶炼厂,广场,花园小区等领域。开发生产了适用于城市地铁安全照明、报警系统装置。我公司的产品以良好的品质通过了CE认证,并销往欧美及亚洲等国。 唐山立德照明设备制造有限公司为适应绿色环保节能照明的产业化发展潮流,欢迎海内外朋友前来咨询,洽谈合作。 tangshan lidezhaoming Equipment Manufacturing Co.Ltd is a integrated corporation specialized in researching,manufacturing and markteting of quality lighting and related electric products As a hight-tech corporation,we mainly focus on developing new applications of LED lights,LED Road Light,LED Industrial Light,LED Floodlight and LED module development which cover a wide range of application including constructions,shopping malls,hotels,restaurants。stadiums,factories,mines,tunnels,ports,metallurgical plants,plazas,garden areas,etc。We developed and produced a equipment that can used on city subway safe lighting and alarm system.Our products have acquired certification ,They have been exported to Europe,Americas,Asia ,etc.tangshan lidezhaoming Equipment Manufacturing dedicated to the development of the lighting industry of green and energy saving.Friends and partners from all over the world are welcome to our company for business opportunities.
- 所在地区:河北省唐山市迁安市
- 行业分类:专用设备制造业
- 企业类型:有限责任公司
- 注册资金:1000万人民币
- 地址:河北省 中国 河北 迁安市 东部工业园祺瑞街北侧668号
- 邮编:64400
所在地:河北省唐山市经营范围:工业空调 行车空调 民用空调 整机配件 销售、维修;家用电器 所在地:河北省唐山市经营范围:五金产品批发、零售;工业自动化控制系统装置、通用、专用设备及